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Online Resources

You can explore many useful databases, newspapers, journals, electronic books, and more without ever leaving your computer...and at no cost.


Click on the logos below and get transported to a variety of learning tools and electronic databases.  There's something in these virtual libraries for all ages; please call the library if you have questions

Follow us on Youtube!

View all recorded events and webinars held at the library via our  Youtube page, available at the link below.


Learn Zoom Fast!

Until further notice, a majority of our programming will be done digitally, via Zoom. If you need help using this digital meeting tool, please take a look at the tutorial below. It explains the basic and important functions of the program in a quick, efficient manner to help you use Zoom in around 10 minutes.

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Kanopy Streaming Service


Stream movies for free using your Islesboro library card!  This service, paid for by Friends of the Library, gives you access to over 30000 Documentaries, Classic and Indie Films.  For students and patrons of the Alice L. Pendleton Library.  Simply click on the logo below an enter your library card number.


Please note, if your library number has less than 4 digits, you will have to put a zero at the front until you have four digits in the number. For example, if your number is 493, to sign up for Kanopy, you would have to enter 0493 when signing up.


ComicsPlus Library


Brought to you by the Digital Maine Library, the same service responsible for helping us maintain access to Cloud Library, ComicsPlus is a service that gives you free access to over 20,000 comic books and graphic novels of all genres, topics, and age ranges, and all you need is a library card to access it. No checkouts, no late feels, just sign up, choose a comic, and read for as long as you want!


Click here and follow the instructions on the page to sign up!


Mobile Users: It is recommended that you download the ComicsPlus app on iOS or Android after signing up for the best possible experience.

Cloud Library Online


Cloud Library is the home of the Society Library's circulating e-book and audio collection, and enables members to browse, borrow, and read a collection of e-books and audio books, selected by a committee of the state library.


Books can be read on personal devices, such as iPads, iPhones, Android devices, Nook, Kindle Fire, PC, and Mac OS.


Mobile Users: be aware that you need to download the Cloud Library app from your app store of choice in order to use it on mobile devices such as tablets or phones.

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Online at the Library Only


Children can use for free at the library. From Age of Learning, Inc., this award-winning curriculum is designed to help young children (ages 2-8) build a strong foundation for future academic success. is 100% educational, with 5,000+ learning activities across all major subject areas -- reading, math, science, social studies, art, and music.

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Bendable Maine


Bendable is a lifelong learning platform that allows anyone of any age to learn new skills and find new passions, both online and in person.


Now available all through Maine libraries, you can browse their extensive catalogue to find courses, classes, papers, videos, and more about almost any skill or topic you're interested in learning. Access it all for free with your local library card!



Learning Express Online


Founded in 1995, LearningExpress is an acclaimed provider of online platforms for academic skill-building, standardized test preparation, and career-oriented digital content.


LearningExpress Library helps libraries improve the lives of their patrons through a highly-acclaimed eLearning solution that provides support to students and professionals for academic skill-building, standardized test prep, career certification test prep and more.



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Digital Maine Library Online 


No matter where you are in Maine, you're always at the library!  Digital Maine Library makes it easy for you to access the book or resource you need anywhere within the state. 


Click the logo above to "sift and sort" the entire Maine data-base and find the information that is important to you. 


In addition to books, magazines, and video tutorials, you have free access to loads of resources, including:


Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries

Career Transitions

Chilton Collection for Car Repair

Culinary Arts Collection

Environmental Studies

Fine Arts & Music


Google Translate

Health & Wellness

Hobbies & Crafts

Home Improvement

National Geographic Kids

Small Business Resource Center

U.S. History

Wall Street Journal


Islesboro Newspapers, Yearbooks, & Books Online


Did you know that you can read and download yearly 60 years' worth of Islesboro newspapers, school yearbooks, and books from Islesboro directly from this website? 


Simply click on the logo above to search for people, places, or events from 1949 through 2020. 


Islesboro Island News

(1987-August, 2022)


Islesboro Observer



Islesboro Up Date

(1985 - 1987)


Morning Sun



Islesboro Yearbooks



*Click here to view

online Islesboro Books





Available at the Library

​ is the world’s largest and most popular online family history resource, and the Library Edition is available to you to use -- free -- at the library (through the Maine State Library).


Ancestry Library Edition provides

access to billions of historical documents, millions of historical photos, plus local narratives, oral histories, indexes and other resources in over 30,000 databases that span from the 1500s to the 2000s.


Come in to research genealogy records for any location in the world.


Login Here:






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Free Online Jigsaw Puzzles

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